Friday, November 30, 2012

Human Rights

There is a rising epidemic in wealthy Christians today.

First off let me 'specify' what a "wealthy" Christian is.

IF you live in America, Canada, or Europe [Europe is a little shaky though as persecution rises] then YOU are a wealthy Christian.


Because you don't have to worry about survival everyday. You know you'll have food to eat, a place to sleep, people to help you. Even most homeless in this country are more wealthy then those in third world countries. You have luxuries. You don't need a tv, a cell phone, a wall phone, a computer, a couch, etc. to live. You are wealthy.

This epidemic, is "human rights." Wealthy Christians are falling into this mindset, that it is more important for people around the world to be treated correctly by others and taken care of, then to be given the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is not a Biblical view. This does not in any way line up with God's Word.

The Bible says, there will be tribulation in the world. It says that we will ALWAYS have the poor and the sick. Life cannot be perfect in a world ruled by sin

Christianity isn't about taking care of the world's physical needs. It's about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so the HE can take care of their needs. He says, in the world, Christians WILL be persecuted, and suffer, because those in darkness, do NOT like the light coming, and illuminating their evil deeds. We suffer for Christ, who suffered for us. We are persecuted for Christ, who was persecuted for us. And we die for Christ, who died for us.

Why do you worry about suffering or dying? Don't you have hope in Christ, in His promise and resurrection, that you will be with Him in eternity? Death is not end and suffering is not forever.

Don't you realize that we can't change suffering in the world, but we can offer Christ, who has the power to change suffering, and comforts those who suffer?

And if we could make everyone treat each other right and enforce human rights, aren't they still bound for Hell without Christ? What is more important? Comfort on earth? Or life after death?

"In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

"We are hard-pressed from every side, yet not crushed, perplexed, yet not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8

Somehow, wealthy Christians have become to believe that believing in Jesus Christ means your life will be comfortable, prosperous, and full of charity.

Here's your reality check brothers and sisters. Living for Christ, is a scandal, the world will hate you, there are only three ways people respond to the gospel: in relief, in rage, or in ridicule. Some people will hate your guts, hate the ground you walk on. Few will cherish your witness. If you're not experiencing persecution of some kind, then you're either not standing up for the faith, you don't really live what you say believe, or you have no idea, what you believe.

Don't be offended, take it to heart. Get into the Word of God, and discover the truth.

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