Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Isaiah 54

Nothing you do can make God love you more, or be more pleased with you than He already is, once you accept Christ's death as payment over your sins. Not reading your Bible, obeying Him, being kind, attending church. Once you take Jesus on as Lord of your life, all God sees when He looks at your record, is Jesus' blamelessness. I can't stand hearing Pastors talk jokingly about God, "smacking you upside the head" or allowing something into your life out of spite. 

Isaiah 54:4-10 
""Do not be afraid, for you will not be put to shame; 
don't be humiliated, for you will not be disgraced. 
For you will forget the shame of your youth,
and you will no longer remember
the disgrace of your widowhood.
Indeed your husband is your Maker-
His name is Yahweh of Hosts-
and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
He is called the God of all the earth.
For the Lord has called you,
like a wife deserted and wounded in spirit,
a wife of one's youth when she was rejected,"
says your God.
"I deserted you for a brief moment,--""
[in our sin He had to turn away from us]
""--but I will gather you up with great mercies.--""
[sending His Son, Jesus, to reconcile us to Him,
then making us blameless and justified in His sight]
""--In a surge of anger
I hid My face from you for a mere moment,
but I will have compassion on you
with 'everlasting' love," says the Lord your Redeemer.
"For this is like the days of Noah to me;
when I swore that the waters of Noah
would never flood the earth again,
so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you
nor rebuke you. Though the mountains may shake
and the hills may crumble,
My love will not be removed from you
and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,"
says your compassionate Lord."

I wish I could find a message on these verses. Everyone says they know that works aren't what save us, but the way people are living, that's what they believe in their hearts; that somehow, their behavior and staying on God's good side, is saving them. Yes, God will chasen and chide who He loves, but He will do it in love. For so long I had this image of God that He was shaking his head at me, and sighing in exasperation at my failures. I don't think that's true; when I abide under the blood of Jesus Christ, I am blameless in His sight. The goal in life is not to live good because God will strike you down, or give up on you, it's to strive to be what God see's of you now. He see's holiness and righteousness, He's saved you from sin, so try to be what He see's of you now, and don't return to your sin like a dog to it's vomit.

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