Wednesday, August 28, 2013

God Is In Control

Can I just say, in the most loving and heartfelt way, that this whole *savesaeed thing, has me a little torn. I mean I feel like people are hopping on it like a bandwagon. "A Christian has been thrown in jail for his faith!" Why is this suddenly so popular and important 'now'? Never in history has there been a time where Christians weren't thrown in jail for professing Jesus Christ. YES, it still happens today, everywhere, all over the place, all the time, but suddenly since it's an American in jail, we care more. Don't we understand that Christians all over the world are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we should have the same urgency and love for them, as we're showing Pastor Saeed? I see things on him personally: Saeed- American, Pastor, Husband. Please, go to or and read the life stories of men and women imprisoned in their own countries for decades still, some they don't even know if they're alive anymore.

Also, yes, we want him released, but- and I admit this is something I've been scared to say for a while now- I pray more fervently that God will continue to work in his life, in whatever He's doing, and give Saeed peace and comfort and strength to endure it. The strongest of us all, have endured the most for Christ; Paul, Corrie Ten Boom, Richard Wurmbrand. I see Saeed imprisoned and I think, "God is doing a work, a frightening and painful work, but silver and gold have to go through fire to be refined."

Please don't think I'm being insensitive or pridefully thinking I could endure much for Christ. This has nothing to do with me. I am weak to suffer for Jesus but I have a heart that is willing at the least, and even though I won't act long-suffering for God all the time, I know it's something He calls me to.

"In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33 

God is doing something with Pastor Saeed, he's not out of God's reach or control; He allowed this. If only to save one soul, it's worth it, because Saeed is safe. Once we have Christ in our lives, nothing, not tribulation, not death, can separate us from God; we're homefree. No one can take away our eternal security.

Nate Saint was witnessing to tribes in South America, and his son asked him, "If they attack you, will you use the gun?" He replied, "Son, we can't shoot the Waodani, they are not ready for Heaven. We are." He was killed not long after, and that example didn't leave his son looking for revenge, it sent his son, and his wife, and the wives and children of the other men with him, to the same tribe, to live with them, and witness to them, and show them the mercy and grace and forgiveness of God.

God knows what He's doing, and I pray that He would bring Saeed home safe to his family soon, but more over I pray that His will be done, and whatever He's doing He accomplishes through Saeed, and that Saeed will be strengthened, empowered, and comforted by His Holy Spirit, to depend on God as He leads him through the fire.

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