Friday, October 5, 2012

Do You Actually 'Know' God?

I feel like we've made God too small in this country. He's become a genie in a Bible to so many. God is more than your God. He's the only thing in the world you need. You could live the rest of your life in pitch black solitary confinement and still survive on just the presence and knowledge of who God is. 

I know you know this. For years I kept telling God, "I know You're all I need, but I want someone to love me on earth." "I know You're enough for me, but I just want this one thing." I didn't REALLY know; I knew it in my head, but not in my chest. Now I know it with every fiber of my being and it's life changing, and earth shaking. I have no boundaries! My flesh will always fear things, but my spirit fears nothing. God is so powerful and righteous and the grace He's given me, it's comprehensible!

I can do anything! I have no regrets accept my sins! Everything I can't do in this life can be done in the next! What is 80 something years compared to Eternity! Eternity is where my peace will be, but here, I will live for God.

Is God everything to you? Don't tell me God hasn't called you to dedicate your life to Him in every aspect! He's called everyone to live an extraordinary life for Him suffering persecution for His name in one way or another! American Christians are severely watered down. Wake up!! You can't live a white-picket-fence-life while living for Jesus! He said there WILL be trials and tribulations! There will be persecution in the world! But be of good cheer for He has overcome the world.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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