Friday, October 5, 2012

Have You GIVEN Your Life To Christ Yet?

You said you gave your life to Christ. Okay, what have you actually given Him? You know your life is all He wants. So simple and yet think about what that means! So many people say, "God I give You my life, take care of me and my family, take us to Heaven when we die, I will try to be a 'good person'." 

Listen, What have you given God, how do you give someone your life? What do you expect Him to take when you say that? Because you're not giving Him anything! You give Him your physical presence on Sunday morning, but He would rather you not come if all your were going to do is sit there. He wants your heart to be willing and open to it! He wants you to actually yearn to learn something about Him. He wants you to come because the more you know of Him, the closer you get, and He wants you to 'want' to be nearer to Him! 

What is this 'life' you given God? You seem to still be in control of your life! If you still have control, what have you given Him? You still do what YOU want to do, go where You want to go, watch what YOU want to watch, say what YOU want to say, think what YOU want to think, believe what YOU want to believe. What have you given God? Get on your knees and try something new, ask God, what HE wants you to do, where HE wants you to go, what HE wants you to see, what He wants you to say, think, and believe!! That is giving God your life. Giving up total control to Him. 

Why would you want to run your life anyway, when God of the Universe, who knows all, see's all, has created you with a purpose, has proved His everlasting, unconditional love by coming down from deity to dirt to die for the things you've done, is offering to run it for you? He's offering you the closest friendship you'll ever have. A friend, a father, a savior, a God, who will never leave, never fail, never hate. There will be persecution, because those in darkness hate the light; it reveals their evil deeds, but you will have God, the one who will stand by your side through it all. 

Or are you going to refuse the offer, choose to be on your own team, find your own way to Heaven, rely on your human friends, through all the world throws at you, not to mention, God says if you're not with me, you're against me. You really want to stand against God? The Bible describes those found in His presence fall on their faces in worship. You think you're different? His holiness is undeniable, and when we find ourselves at judgement, our wrongs will be undeniable. Are you going to accept Christ's life as the payment for your sins? Or fail to pay the price yourself? 

I love you, and I don't want to see you spend the rest of your life struggling on your own. No one on this earth can be there for you 110% of the time, not even me.

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