Thursday, October 11, 2012

Watered Down Gospel

"But God loves me, He knows my heart." Let's say there are two types of love; affection and action. God has affection for us, but it's His action that saves us. We may have affection for God, but it's our action of accepting His action that makes us saved. I'm not saying our action saves us. I'm saying God gave you His life and His heart, all He wants in return is your life, and your heart. Now giving God your life is giving Him control of all your days, your time. Giving God your heart is giving Him control of your wants and desires. If you only feel affection for God, but have no action, you don't truly love Him, because the actions and words speak from the heart. I don't mean to say that everything you do for God has to work out perfectly, again, it's the heart that counts. If you were trying to show action to Him, and still failed, He see's the heart and your longing to love Him through action. But if you only say you have affection and feel affection, but have no action to prove it, God see's that by your heart, you love yourself more than Him. We're not to judge whether someone loves God or not though. But there are also two different types of judgment. I'll get into that later.

When we were sinners, He loved us, but we grieved Him with our sin. To continue loving us, He put forth action, which bloomed affection even more. People say in the church, don't get burned out serving, take some times to sit at His feet. Although a healthy balance is needed, I find when you put forth the action, your heart will follow. When you choose to love with action, you begin to feel affection, and when you feel affection, you begin to want to put forth action. When you give God your heart and your life, you have no more say in it. You can ask, in fact He wants you to ask for things, but you've given over control now. You have told Him you will love Him, and obey Him. These two go hand in hand. If you love your parent's, you'll obey them, and you obey them, your loving them. To love someone, is to sacrifice and or suffer for them. That's the only way to prove it. The only way to prove love is by showing that you care for them more than yourself and the only way to prove that is by helping them prosper, even at your own discomfort or suffering. If you're not proving or at least trying to prove your love, than your heart is speaking the opposite of your words.

God never said this life would be fun, fair, comfortable, or pleasurable. God suffered for you, so you wouldn't have to suffer for eternity, but He said in this life there will be tribulation [but be of good cheer He has overcome the world.] He did say that everything He teaches us and wants us to live by, He gives for our joy. He wants us to be joyful even in tribulation by all the wisdom He offers and He says that our tribulations are to prosper us in Him, bringing us closer to Him, making us stronger in Him. American Christians need's some serious persecution and suffering right now. We've bought into the lie that life should be easy and full of what we want. That death is unfair, that life should be fair. That life should be full of things that make us feel good and our time should be full of fun and entertainment. That if we hurt, if we don't feel good, something is wrong. The Gospel is watered down here and I'm tired of it. I can see how America is crumbling, and I can see God working. I know there will be a rough way ahead, but it will bring us all closer to God. We're not to have the Kingdom of God on earth, that's for Heaven, and Satan is the god of this world right now, he would never allow it.

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